Why wear Pink Badges for Breast Cancer Awareness?
Breast Cancer Awareness Month is October.

Public Safety Departments participate in breast cancer awareness initiatives by wearing pink badges to show support and raise awareness for breast cancer. The adoption of pink badges for October symbolizes your commitment to the cause. In this article, we will explore the history of this cause and provide some reasons to start a breast cancer awareness pink badge program in your department.
Why are breast cancer awareness badges pink?
The origin of the color pink as the breast cancer color dates back to the early 1990s with the Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation. Pink ribbons were distributed to participants in the charity’s Race for the Cure fundraising events. Pink, as a color associated with women and feminity, became a widespread symbol for breast cancer awareness. Public safety departments took the concept of wearing pink in October and created pink badges to join in the cause, raise awareness, and lend support. Companies or organizations outside of public safety can not use pink badges for their awareness programs, this is unique to public safety.
Here are a few reasons why your department may choose to wear pink badges for breast cancer awareness:
Community Engagement: Your department aims to build positive relationships with the community you serve. Pink badges are conversation starters. Participating in breast cancer awareness campaigns allows you to engage with the community in a way that goes beyond law enforcement activities.
Support for a Worthy Cause: Breast cancer is a prevalent health issue, and many people, including your fellow officers, have friends, family members, or colleagues who have been affected by the disease. Pink badges show relatability with people in your community and emphasize the importance of community support.
Participation in Local or National Charitable Organizations: Your department may fundraise or participate in events as a department, which is good for comradery and morale.
How does my department order Pink Breast Cancer Awareness Badges from Smith & Warren?
VisualBadge is Smith & Warren’s badge builder and designing a pink awareness badge is easy. Start by looking through the large selection of styles. There are shields, ovals, and stars in a variety of sizes, all of them in a powder coat of pink! This is a custom design process so you will choose your words, seal, and attachment, like you would do on a standard badge. Powder coat pink badges will take approximately 4-6 weeks to complete.
Within VisualBadge, other options exist to design a pink breast cancer awareness badge. You can “pink” the enamel of your badge and select a breast cancer awareness center seal. Within our badge builder, there is something for every department. Noting the timeline, you will want your badges delivered before October so that you and your department can wear them throughout Breast Cancer Awareness Month. At Smith & Warren, our deadline is the last week of July to ensure that you receive your badges in time.
By designing and purchasing your pink badges at Smith & Warren, your department participates in charitable fundraising. We donate 10% of proceeds from the sale of all pink breast cancer awareness badges to National Breast Cancer Foundation, our cause partner since 2016. If you have any questions about starting a pink badge Breast Cancer Awareness program, or any type of awareness program, please contact us. We will help you get started.